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This resource, whilst written by an experienced healthcare professional and peer reviewed at the time of publication, has not been reviewed within the last three years and therefore does not take account of recent evidence or guidance.  The resource is provided as a reference tool only and the user should take into account the date that the item was published as being the date the material was considered accurate and complete.


328 results

We have issued pragmatic guidance for the routine and crisis management of patients with asthma and COPD during the UK Covid-19 epidemic.

Inspiring Primary Care Respiratory Research and Researchers Thursday 19 September 2019 12:30 - 17:00 The International Centre, Telford

Asthma Guidelines in Practice – A PCRS Consensus is a practical and pragmatic guide for healthcare professionals working in primary and intermediate care.  This guide was commissioned to provide clarity on aspects of diagnosis, management and monitoring of asthma that are uncertain

The PCRS Patient Reference Group is an advisory group responsible for providing independent advice and feedback to the executive committee and trustees on how well the Society is performing in relation to the following objectives:

Taxonomy: Archive, PCRU, 1 hour

Issue 15 of PCRU examines the challenges of tackling multimorbidity in patients with respiratory disease and equality in patient populations.

Imperial College London is launching a qualitative study about screening and early treatment for pulmonary fibrosis. As primary care healthcare professionals, your participation would be highly appreciated.

This edition sees a focus on antibiotics – a hardy perennial topic that requires regular re-visitation. Whether for respiratory infections or as part of rescue pack use, the practical guidance given, together with the views of patients, aims to support your decision-making in practice.

Can Only Plan Daily - COPD is a serious disease needing the right diagnosis and treatment with the person’s need sitting front and centre.

Taxonomy: Archive, Asthma, PCRU, 1 hour

This edition of PCRU has a flavour of 'out with the old and in with the new', as it is the last one in which we will feature Noel Baxter's thoughts and reflections from the Chair.

Taxonomy: Archive, Other, PCRU, 1 hour

Key learning points: • Taking a history, doing the examination, chest X-ray and spirometry are really important • Look for red flags and refer these patients straight to secondary care. • Do the basics which will point you towards the things you can do in primary care.