Our objectives are to:
- promote interest in, educate and facilitate research for the benefit of the public into all aspects of common respiratory conditions found in Primary Care
- provide an authoritative opinion where required on matters relating to all aspects of common respiratory conditions found in Primary Care
- accredit and endorse methodologies, research, products, individuals, education, and bodies after proper consideration; and
- provide information for subscribers and others on all aspects of common respiratory conditions found in Primary Care.
We do this through the following core activities:
- Advocacy and campaigns to inform and influence policy and set standards in respiratory medicine, relevant to populations nationally and locally.
- Educating health professionals working in primary and community settings to deliver and influence out of hospital respiratory care through open access to succinct best practice, evidence based clinical guidance and resources.
- Promoting and disseminating real life respiratory research relevant to population health needs that supports policy and education activities.
- Guidance on how to deliver value-based healthcare that provides a better patient experience, is clinically effective and safe and supports service development and redesign.
The Board of Trustees, controls the management and administration of PCRS. It has overall responsibility for the financial, governance and performance management of the Society.
Executive Committee
The PCRS Executive is the main standing committee of PCRS. It leads on the development and implementation of the activities of the charity. The Executive is accountable to the Board of Trustees and is supported by a number of sub committees.
Operations Team
The day to day activity of PCRS is delivered by Red Hot Irons Ltd and headed up by our Executive Director Tricia Bryant.
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Thank you to our corporate supporters, whose financial support allow us to make our services either freely available or at greatly reduced rates to members. The following companies are members of our Corporate Sponsorship Scheme.
If there are documents which you wish to view but cannot locate please contact the operations team at info@pcrs-uk.org and we will be happy to assist.
Catch up on all of the latest respiratory healthcare news and events, updates from PCRS and the latest issue of our members' magazine, Primary Care Respiratory Update (PCRU).
For media enquiries please contact press@pcrs-uk.org.
The UK's leading respiratory conference for clinicians working primary, community and integrated care comes to Telford in September.

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