Service design & QI
Managing the change process
Quality Improvement (QI) helps us identify what works well and where we can make changes. In primary care, we don't have time or resources to spend on things that don't work, don't serve our patients, and that could be done more efficiently or effectively. QI is a commitment to continuously improving the quality of healthcare, focusing on the preferences and needs of the people who use services. (Royal College of General Practitioners 2017)
“In order to practise medicine in the 21st century, a core understanding of quality improvement is as important as our understanding of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. (Stephen Powis, Medical Director, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, 2015. Academy of Medical Royal Colleges)
The Respiratory Service Framework
Developed by the PCRS Service Development Committee, the Respiratory Service Framework (RSF) helps those looking to design a patient focussed respiratory service working across all sectors of out of hospital care to see the ideal components for a given population of patients. It has been designed to be applicable and helpful to those delivery care at a PCN or ICS level.
Fit to Care
Key Knowledge, Skills and Training for Clinicians Providing Respiratory Care
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The purpose of the Service Development Sub-Committee is to drive improved practice and system change by equipping primary care clinicians with the knowledge and confidence to work across the NHS at local, regional and national levels. The Service Development Committee is accountable through the Executive to the PCRS Board of Trustees.
ICSs will bring together expertise and insights from the NHS and local councils as well as voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises.
Wessex AHSN have developed a number of resources to support you to develop your FeNO project using QI methodology.
A novel, specialist-led, multidisciplinary approach to delivering respiratory care in the community