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A group of women networking

Peer support networks

🤝 A local network is the ideal way to bring colleagues in your area together, to share best practice, hear the latest news and access peer support.

Why join a local network?

Whether you are a practice nurse or locality lead, being responsible for improving respiratory care for patients can be both daunting and frustrating, especially when you’re juggling workloads and trying to keep up-to-date with the latest developments.

Benefits of joining a local network:

  • Meet likeminded health care professionals working in the delivery of respiratory care,
  • Share questions, insights and support
  • Catch up on the latest best practice
  • Overcome the isolation of working in primary care.

How to find your local group

There are around 40 local groups that are affiliated to PCRS - find your nearest affiliated peer support network

Become a peer support group leader

Can't find a group that's local to you or would like to run your own group?  Become a peer support group leader and affiliate your group to PCRS and we can provide you with training, support and a range of resources to ensure your group runs smoothly. 

Coordinating a peer support network is incredibly rewarding and can be a lot of fun!  Running a group can also help to grow  leadership skills – great if you are seeking to develop your professional portfolio.  

What support does PCRS provide?

PCRS are committed to helping you make sure your group runs effectively and we have a range of tools and resources that can not only help you get started, but will help you to sustain your group into the future.  We can offer: 

  • Tools and resources to help your network get established
  • Support with promoting your network and its events
  • Support to develop your skills to lead the network with confidence providing exclusive events for network leaders.
  • Connections with other local group leaders to learn more about how they run their network and organise events

Check out our step by step guidance and templates for more information.  

  • Access all PCRS Membership benefits for free as a network lead
  • Access expertise for your events via our exclusive video and speaker bank
  • Lead your group with confidence with exclusive training and development
  • Use the library of tools and resources to support you as a network leader
  • Promote your events with us through PCRS communications channels
  • Network and share experiences, tips and advice with other ;leaders and mentors via an exclusive WhatsApp group
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