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Refreshments and exhibition

Location: Ironbridge 2 and 3 Stream: Refreshments

Opening Address from PCRS Executive Chair

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Plenary

Katherine Hickman (Speaker)

Disaster Planning and Recovery

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Clinical

Lucy Easthope (Speaker)

50 shades of red, how to discuss sexual health with your patient without blushing

Location: Atcham Stream: Service Development

Steve Holmes (Speaker)
Nicola Standring-Brown (Speaker)

Abstract Presentations 1

Location: Coalport Suite Stream: Research

Management of wheeze in the under 5's. Incorporating NRAP update

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Clinical

Katherine Hickman (Speaker)
Ian Sinha (Speaker)

Energisers or mood vacuums? How to identify and manage those who drain our energy

Location: Wenlock Suite Stream: Professional Development

Katya Miles (Speaker)

Inhaler technique (pMDI, SMI) and new propellants

Location: Beckbury 1/2 (Ground Floor) Stream: Workshop

Darush Attar-Zadeh (Speaker)

Refreshments and exhibition

Location: Ironbridge 2 and 3 Stream: Refreshments

The Lung Health Check Programme - impact for primary care and how to deal with it

Location: Atcham Stream: Service Development

Emma O'Dowd (Speaker)

Abstract Presentations 2

Location: Coalport Suite Stream: Research

What else could it be: Diagnosing rarer lung conditions and what to do about it

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Clinical

Gareth Walters (Speaker)

How to be a positive disruptor: Be more pirate

Location: Wenlock Suite Stream: Professional Development

Maisun Elftise (Speaker)
Steve Holmes (Speaker)

Inhaler (DPI) and nasal spray technique

Location: Beckbury 1/2 (Ground Floor) Stream: Workshop

Darush Attar-Zadeh (Speaker)

Leadership in implementing evidence-based asthma care: a call to action

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Sponsored Symposium

To Be Confirmed (Speaker)

Lunch and Exhibition

Location: Ironbridge 2 and 3 Stream: Refreshments

PCRS Annual General Meeting 2024

Location: Atcham Stream: AGM

Satellite symposium 3

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Sponsored Symposium

Take my breath away 'can we improve patient breathlessness management?'

Location: Atcham Stream: Service Development

Ann Hutchinson (Speaker)
Helen Ward (Speaker)

Digital technology showcase

Location: Coalport Suite Stream: Research

To Be Confirmed (Speaker)

Managing complex patients & comorbidities: difficult decisions & supporting patients & carers: Stepping outside the guidelines

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Clinical

Beverley Bostock (Speaker)

Emotional resilience

Location: Wenlock Suite Stream: Professional Development

Ren Lawlor (Speaker)

Practicalities in Treating Tobacco Dependency

Location: Beckbury 1/2 (Ground Floor) Stream: Workshop

Ian Sinha (Speaker)

Refreshments and exhibition

Location: Ironbridge 2 and 3 Stream: Refreshments

Developing and maintaining respiratory diagnostic services

Location: Atcham Stream: Service Development

Amy Taylor Gonzalez (Speaker)

Abstract Presentations 3

Location: Coalport Suite Stream: Research

Unplanned Care - managing urgent care and infections; antibiotic stewardship

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Clinical

Emma Rickards (Speaker)

Putting on your own oxygen before the patients: self care

Location: Wenlock Suite Stream: Professional Development

Katherine Hickman (Speaker)

Bringing data to real life: system searches to improve care

Location: Beckbury 1/2 (Ground Floor) Stream: Workshop

Heather Field (Speaker)
Sonia Silk (Speaker)

Conference Dinner

Location: Ludlow Suite (Ground Floor) Stream: Social

To help keep our registration rates as low as possible, the conference dinner is an optional extra. Dress code is smart casual.

Drinks, disco and social

Location: Ludlow Suite (Ground Floor) Stream: Social

All delegates are welcome to the disco and social after the congress dinner.

The conference has been instigated and organised by PCRS. We are grateful to sponsors and exhibitors who have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. Neither sponsors or exhibitors have had any input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored satellite symposia which are clearly indicated. View the full list of sponsors.

The PCRS is the highlight of my year - an excellent environment for healthy discussions and networking as well as being able to re-enthuse about respiratory care and to be able to reflect and look at the bigger picture

Conference Delegate
Respiratory Specialist Physiotherapist

Thank you to this year's conference sponsors

AstraZeneca (UK) Limited
Chiesi Limited
Sponsors have had no input into the agenda of the conference, with the exception of the satellite symposium sessions, for which the sponsoring companies are fully responsible.
A full list of conference exhibitors can be found at