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Phyllis Murphie

photo of Phyllis MurphiePhyllis is a registered Specialist Respiratory Nurse currently working in primary care.

She left her secondary care Nurse Consultant post in 2020 aiming to take early retirement and perhaps purse a new role.

She completed a PhD at University of Edinburgh in 2021 in Telemedicine in Sleep Apnoea Syndrome and continues to be active in the research field.

She is also the Co- Lead for the Sleep Medicine Improvement workplan for the Scottish Government (Centre for Sustainable Delivery) and is also active as an Independent Respiratory Nurse Consultant.

Phyllis's sessions

Influencing your local health board and how to do it

Friday, - in Wenlock Suite

The conference has been instigated and organised by PCRS. We are grateful to sponsors and exhibitors who have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. Neither sponsors or exhibitors have had any input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored satellite symposia which are clearly indicated. View the full list of sponsors.