The Respiratory Service Framework
Developed by the PCRS Service Development Committee, the Respiratory Service Framework (RSF) helps those looking to design a patient focussed respiratory service working across all sectors of out of hospital care to see the ideal components for a given population of patients. It has been designed to be applicable and helpful to those delivery care at a PCN or ICS level.
Patients with respiratory disease deserve care that is standardised, patient focussed and delivered by a healthcare professional with suitable training and experience, in a site and timeframe to meet their needs. Sadly, this is often not the case.
The Respiratory Service Framework (RSF) seeks to demonstrate what excellence is – and how it may be delivered at a population level and across the patient pathway. It will help those seeking to design a patient focussed respiratory service working across all sectors of out of hospital care. It is applicable to those delivering care at PCN or ICS level.
It builds on the work previously undertaken by PCRS to develop a series of care standards for GP practices as part of its Quality Award programme.

RSF Interactive Resources
To support the framework, and to improve the ease with which users can find the relevant resources, we have developed an Interactive Respiratory Framework Resources page.
Workforce calculator
Conduct a workforce calculation to help to help you understand your service requirements
Practical tools and resources
Practical tools and resources to support you when using the respiratory service framework
Webinars and videos
Video presentations to support you when using the Respiratory Service and Workforce Framework
Fit to Care
Key Knowledge, Skills and Training for Clinicians Providing Respiratory Care
Service Development Committee
The purpose of the Service Development Sub-Committee is to drive improved practice and system change by equipping primary care clinicians with the knowledge and confidence to work across the NHS at local, regional and national levels. The Service Development Committee is accountable through the Executive to the PCRS Board of Trustees.
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