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Frances Barrett

photo of Frances BarrettFrances has worked in the respiratory arena for over 30 years, initially as a long term conditions (LTC) nurse specialist with responsibility for long term respiratory conditions amongst other long term conditions in general practice, then as a respiratory nurse specialist setting up and running a community based pulmonary rehabilitation programme before taking up a respiratory care advisor’s position with a pharmaceutical company.
Frances currently works as a respiratory nurse specialist in general practice for two days per week, she is an associated lecturer in the University of Ulster and Queen's University Belfast's post graduate and specialist practice programmes. Frances also runs her own training and mentoring company Barrett McGrath Education and Mentoring Services LTD
In summary Frances has accrued over thirty years clinical and teaching experience in the diagnosis, assessment and management of Respiratory Conditions within primary care

Frances's sessions

The Holistic Care of People with COPD – focus on risks and co-morbidities, holistic care, social care and third sector

Friday, - in Ironbridge 1

What's working with the new asthma guideline and what isn't? Interactive panel discussion

Saturday, - in Ironbridge 1

The conference has been instigated and organised by PCRS. We are grateful to sponsors and exhibitors who have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. Neither sponsors or exhibitors have had any input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored satellite symposia which are clearly indicated. View the full list of sponsors.