Very Brief Advice (VBA) is our most practical tool to trigger a quit attempt, with structured behavioural support and medical treatment being the best method of quitting and ideally these are provided by stop smoking practitioners.
ASK : ADVISE : ACT Using VBA does not depend on the person's readiness to quit and you do not need to assess it before you start Very Brief Advice or VBA is a simple and
Tobacco dependency is a long-term relapsing condition that usually starts in childhood This tobacco dependency pragmatic guide is a practical, immediately implementable, evidence-based framework to enable healthcare professionals to routinely identify smokers, encourage a quit attempt a
Join Frances Barrett (Respiratory Nurse Specialist and PCRS Service Development Committee Member) and Darush Attar-Zadeh (Clinical Fellow Pharmacist and PCRS Executive Committee Member) as they dive into the incredibly important topic of Tobacco Dependency.
The UK has the largest market for vapes in Western Europe.
The Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS) advocates that:
In this podcast PCRS Committee Members Dr Steve Holmes (GP) and Darush Attar-Zadeh (Pharmacist) to talk about Very Brief Advice and how you can go about using it in your routine consultations.
Vaping is now a familiar sight in everyday life. With increased awareness of the dangers of smoking, vaping can, with appropriate support, be an effective tool to help people to quit.
Knowing how to use Very Brief Advice to instigate a quit attempt and supporting smokers who are ready to quit is the business of every healthcare professional.Treating tobacco dependency systematically and effectively will have a significant impact on the triple aim:
In February 2020, the Institute of Health Equity published its landmark report, Marmot Review 10 Years On. It highlighted that for the first time in 100 years, life expectancy has failed to increase across the country, and for the poorest 10% of women it has actually declined.
Smoking is the primary cause of COPD and, according to NHS figures, is thought to be responsible for 9 in every 10 cases of the condition.
Join Ren Lawlor (Independent Nurse Consultant and Vice-Chair of PCRS) and Steve Holmes (GP and PCRS Committee Member) as they discuss vaping and e-cigarettes.
Join Steve Holmes (GP and PCRS Committee Member) and Ren Lawlor (Independent Nurse Consultant and Vice-Chair of PCRS) who give their top tips for smoking cessation. They share their experience of supporting patients with advanced COPD and lung cancer to stop smoking.