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PCRS Patient Reference Group Call for Members


The PCRS Patient Reference Group is an advisory group responsible for providing independent advice and feedback to the executive committee and trustees on how well the Society is performing in relation to the following objectives:

  • Embed a patient-centred approach within corporate consciousness of PCRS and all its activities
  • Provide a check / balance to ensure PCRS is acting ultimately in patients’ best interests and providing public benefit

For respiratory researchers, public and participant involvement is now a requirement for many funding applications. Our Patient Reference Group can help with identifying patients who can advise about research proposals and study documentation. Meet the Patient Reference Group and learn more about how they can support.

Applications invited

The Patient Reference Group would like to invite new applications to join. Being a member of the PRG means ensuring that the patient voice is heard and represented. Neil Jackson, a PRG Member says,

“As a patient with a respiratory condition caused by a rare genetic disease, I've often felt a bit left out, but being involved with the PRG has meant that I've had many fantastic opportunities to advise, contribute and in some cases even steer the PCRS into truly considering the patient angle on so many levels.. Being on the PCRS PRG is one of the most important things I've done in my life and I'm proud to be involved. I'd urge any patient who has a desire to pass on their vital first-hand knowledge of their own situation, to get involved too."

If you would like to speak with a member of the Patient Reference Group to learn more, please contact

Apply now.

Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.