This may include an understanding of the benefits of having a FeNO test, including:
According to the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) asthma control is assessed in two domains: symptom control and risk of adverse outcomes. Poor symptom control is budensome to patients and increases the risk of exacerbations, but patients with good symptom control can still have sev
There are no mandatory training requirements for healthcare professionals delivering respiratory care and the quality of care and patient pathways are variable throughout the country depending on the knowledge, skills, competence and confidence of those delivering care.
The PCRS Greener Respiratory Healthcare Quality Improvement (QI) toolkit has been developed to support HCPs working in the primary care setting to understand and evaluate the environmental impact of their clinical practice, identify ways to reduce this impact, set goals and priorities and evaluat
PCRS have issued a position statement on strategies to care for patients with respiratory disease and frailty in the community setting. Frailty is thought to affect around 10% of those aged over 65 years and up to half of those aged over 85 years.
In this article Angela Wixey discusses a local programme of work that was established to unravel the risk factors associated with under- and over- diagnosis of COPD. The service was operated by a Respiratory Nurse Specialist (RNS) credited by the Association of Respiratory Techno
Patients with respiratory disease deserve equal access to early and accurate diagnosis, high standards of care, delivered by practitioners with suitable training and experience.
Peak flow charting and microspirometry are undervalued in guidelines and were underused in primary care even before the COVID pandemic, but have enhanced importance now given the difficulties with access to more formal respiratory function testing.