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Refreshments and exhibition

Location: Ironbridge 2 and 3 Stream: Refreshments

Opening Address from PCRS Executive Chair

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Plenary

Setting the scene and inspiring best practice in respiratory care

Katherine Hickman (Speaker)

Disaster Planning and Recovery

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Clinical

Providing you with insights and advice on how to plan and understand the implications of disasters and learn about recovery processes

Lucy Easthope (Speaker)
Katherine Hickman (Chair)

50 shades of red, how to discuss sexual health with your patient without blushing

Location: Atcham Stream: Service Development

How to incorporate sexual health as a consensual discussion into the fundamentals of COPD care

Frances Barrett (Chair)
Steve Holmes (Speaker)
Nicola Standring-Brown (Speaker)

Research Oral Presentations - Asthma (management)

Location: Coalport Suite Stream: Research

Catch up on the latest in primary care research

1. What do patients really think of oral steroids for asthma attacks? A discrete choice experiment (ID 526) Presenting Author: Imran Howell
2. Timeless Treatment: The Power of Asthma Biologics at 80 and Beyond (ID 577) Presenting Author: Aleksandra (Ola) Howell
3. Understanding primary care priorities for implementing supported self-management of asthma in UK-wide general practice: findings from the IMP2ART trial (ID 537) Presenting Author: Liz Steed
4. IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self-management as RouTine (IMP2ART) in primary care: internal pilot for a cluster randomised controlled trial. (ID 533) Presenting Author: Catherine MacLeod

Andy Dickens (Co-chair)
Nazir Hussain (Co-chair)

Management of wheeze in the under 5's. Incorporating NRAP update

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Clinical

Understanding the complexities and natural history of wheeze in the under 5's and the latest in management strategies Update on the primary care element of the NRAP programme/ sub sections. 10 years on, is care better?

Lisa Cummings (Co-chair)
Katherine Hickman (Speaker)
Deborah Leese (Co-chair)
Ian Sinha (Speaker)

Energisers or mood vacuums? How to identify and manage those who drain our energy

Location: Wenlock Suite Stream: Professional Development

Exploring how to Stop Rescuing, save energy and make the most of your team.

Siobhan Hollier (Chair)
Katya Miles (Speaker)

Inhaler technique (pMDI, SMI) and new propellants

Location: Beckbury 1/2 (Ground Floor) Stream: Workshop

Ensuring you can effectively communicate and demonstrate how to use the latest inhaler devices and discuss the carbon footprint and safer disposal

Darush Attar-Zadeh (Speaker)
Alicia Piwko (Co-chair)
Carol Stonham (Co-chair)

Refreshments and exhibition

Location: Ironbridge 2 and 3 Stream: Refreshments

The Lung Health Check Programme - impact for primary care and how to deal with it

Location: Atcham Stream: Service Development

The latest on the Lung Health Check programme, its impact and its future roll-out

Emma O'Dowd (Speaker)
Carol Stonham (Chair)

Research Oral Presentations - COPD and breathlessness

Location: Coalport Suite Stream: Research

Catch up on the latest in primary care research

1. General Practices in England with high percentages of patients from ethnic minority backgrounds have lower percentages of patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (ID 495) Presenting Author: Shamanthi Jayasooriya
2. Prescribing patterns of bisphosphonates and impacts on bone mineral density in patients with COPD: A Systematic Review (ID 559) Presenting Author: Leigh Aubrey De Gracia
3. Breathlessness self-management: using realist review to develop theory and work with stakeholders to co-design an implementation strategy (ID 499) Presenting Author: Ann Hutchinson
4. Optimal medical management in primary care for individuals with chronic breathlessness (OptiMed) (ID 524) Presenting Author: Gillian Doe

Catherine MacLeod (Co-chair)
Helen Ward (Co-chair)

What else could it be: Diagnosing rarer lung conditions and what to do about it

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Clinical

Thinking outside-the-box when it comes to unexplained respiratory symptoms and practical advice on actions to take

Fiona Mosgrove (Chair)
Gareth Walters (Speaker)

How to be a positive disruptor: Be more pirate

Location: Wenlock Suite Stream: Professional Development

A chance to learn how to improve your team and systems effectively, so that people feel safe to speak up

Clare Cook (Chair)
Maisun Elftise (Speaker)
Steve Holmes (Speaker)

Inhaler (DPI) and nasal spray technique

Location: Beckbury 1/2 (Ground Floor) Stream: Workshop

Ensuring you can effectively communicate and demonstrate how to use the latest inhaler devices

Darush Attar-Zadeh (Speaker)
Dhiren Dayal (Co-chair)
Nicola Lopez (Co-chair)

Leadership in implementing evidence-based asthma care: a call to action

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Sponsored Symposium

Beverley Bostock (Chair)
Tom Brown (Speaker)
Deborah Leese (Speaker)
Jackie Reynolds (Speaker)

Lunch and Exhibition

Location: Ironbridge 2 and 3 Stream: Refreshments

PCRS Annual General Meeting & Abstract Award Presentations

Location: Atcham Stream: AGM

The PCRS Annual General Meeting will also include the presentation of our conference abstract awards.

CLARITY: Optimising COPD treatment by challenging myths and behaviours

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Sponsored Symposium

Fiona Mosgrove (Speaker)
Carol Stonham (Chair)

Take my breath away 'can we improve patient breathlessness diagnostics and management?'

Location: Atcham Stream: Service Development

Understanding the impact of breathlessness on the lives of your patients and what you can do to support them

Sharon Hall (Chair)
Ann Hutchinson (Speaker)
Helen Ward (Speaker)

Respiratory Health Tech in primary care: is it the future? Technology rapid showcase and interactive focus group discussion

Location: Coalport Suite Stream: Research

Can new health technology transform respiratory primary care? We want to hear from YOU. Please join us at this unique conference session – a rapid showcase of new HealthTech innovations which aim to help improve respiratory patient care, followed by interactive discussion about the needs and challenges of HealthTech, and how this could be improved. This session will be recorded and we hope to publish the findings of the discussion to inform future policy.

Gillian Doe (Co-chair)
Hilary Pinnock (Co-chair)

Managing complex patients & multimorbidities-difficult decisions & supporting patients & carers: Stepping outside the guidelines

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Clinical

The appropriate application of guidelines when managing complex multi-morbidities

Beverley Bostock (Speaker)
Vincent Mak (Chair)

Emotional resilience

Location: Wenlock Suite Stream: Professional Development

Learn how to be content and productive in your working environment without suffering burnout

Helena Cummings (Chair)
Ren Lawlor (Speaker)

Practicalities in Treating Tobacco Dependency

Location: Beckbury 1/2 (Ground Floor) Stream: Workshop

Understanding the practicalities of treating tobacco dependency

Darush Attar-Zadeh (Chair)
Ian Sinha (Speaker)

Refreshments and exhibition

Location: Ironbridge 2 and 3 Stream: Refreshments

Developing and maintaining respiratory diagnostic services

Location: Atcham Stream: Service Development

Looking at how to reduce variation in care and exploring models of care that work to support respiratory diagnoses

Jeyoung Lee (Chair)
Amy Taylor Gonzalez (Speaker)

Research Presentations - Poster walkaround and discussion

Location: Gallery Stream: Research

Catch up on the latest in primary care research

A structured walkaround the research posters with summaries from the presenters, followed by opportunity to speak to presenters about their posters.

Emma Ray (Co-chair)
Paul Stephenson (Co-chair)

Unplanned Care - managing urgent care and infections; antibiotic stewardship

Location: Ironbridge 1 Stream: Clinical

Practical advice on urgent care and respiratory infections, what to do, what not to do and how to ensure appropriate antibiotic guardianship

sara Haq (Co-chair)
Steve Holmes (Co-chair)
Sanjeev Rana (Speaker)
Emma Rickards (Speaker)

Putting on your own oxygen before the patients: self care

Location: Wenlock Suite Stream: Professional Development

Exploring how to prioritise your own well being to ensure that you are able to deliver the best care and support for your patients

Katherine Hickman (Speaker)
Nicola Standring-Brown (Chair)

Bringing data to real life: system searches to improve care

Location: Beckbury 1/2 (Ground Floor) Stream: Workshop

Exploring how primary care data can be used to improve patient care

Sarah Elkin (Co-chair)
Sonia Silk (Speaker)
Eleanor Worthington (Co-chair)

Conference Dinner

Location: Ludlow Suite (Ground Floor) Stream: Social

To help keep our registration rates as low as possible, the conference dinner is an optional extra. Dress code is smart casual.

Drinks, disco and social

Location: Ludlow Suite (Ground Floor) Stream: Social

All delegates are welcome to the disco and social after the congress dinner.

The conference has been instigated and organised by PCRS. We are grateful to sponsors and exhibitors who have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. Neither sponsors or exhibitors have had any input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored satellite symposia which are clearly indicated. View the full list of sponsors.

The PCRS is the highlight of my year - an excellent environment for healthy discussions and networking as well as being able to re-enthuse about respiratory care and to be able to reflect and look at the bigger picture

Conference Delegate
Respiratory Specialist Physiotherapist

Thank you to this year's conference sponsors

AstraZeneca (UK) Limited
Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd
Chiesi Ltd
Sponsors have had no input into the agenda of the conference, with the exception of the satellite symposium sessions, for which the sponsoring companies are fully responsible.
A full list of conference exhibitors can be found at