Focus on asthma: The GINA Approach to Managing Asthma
A PCRS guide to the management of asthma aged 12 and over in primary care
In 2023, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved the use of a dual (Inhaled corticosteroid/ Formoterol) combination treatment to be used as a reliever therapy for people aged 12 and over with the therapy choice situated early in the asthma treatment pathway as an alternative to its current use as a preventer or MART therapy sitting later in traditional treatment pathways.
In the UK, this new therapy option does not yet sit within an approved national guideline as NICE last updated its treatment pathway in 2020. We await a new national asthma guideline but do not anticipate this new joint approach between NICE, BTS and SIGN to publish until 2024.
In the meantime, PCRS has looked to the latest Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) approach to asthma treatment to see how this new approach fits and we have developed a simple algorithm for healthcare practitioners to see where this new treatment option sits.
Learning module - Supporting People with Asthma in the 21st Century
This online learning module will take you through the GINA approach to managing asthma and using this, in collaboration with patients, to ensure and maintain optimal treatment for people with asthma. We will explore the GINA model and how it can be applied to facilitate best practice asthma care.We have incorporated MCQs to gauge your grasp of the module; providing clear explanations for each correct answer to enhance your understanding.
On Demand webinar: Supporting people with asthma in the 21st century
This webinar focuses on using the GINA approach to managing asthma and how this can support delivery of best practice asthma care*. PCRS executive chair, Katherine Hickman, is joined by expert speakers Michael Crooks, Nicola Standring-Brown and Benedict Greenwood to discuss this important topic.
Dive into our new educational tools this World Asthma Day
We are pleased to launch a set of educational tools on supporting people with asthma in the 21st century to coincide with World Asthma Day (7th May). The suite of resources includes animations, podcasts and an online learning module - we will also host a webinar on the 15th May focused on the GINA approach to managing asthma.
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