Dr Duncan Keeley and Prof Martin Partridge have set out that there are advantages of separating out the routine inhaled treatment of asthma and COPD from that needed in more acute situations.
Making the case for the early and rapid diagnosis of Lung Cancer
When Emma Thompson stepped into the role of chair of the South Yorkshire Respiratory Interest Group, a PCRS affiliated local group, she felt overwhelmed by the task ahead of her.
A summary of the latest developments in the UK health services, including any major new reports, guidelines and other documents relevant to primary care respiratory medicine from Tracey Lonergan, PCRS Policy Coordinator and Noel Baxter, Executive Policy Lead for PCRS.
"Hard work, tenacity, commitment, determination, drive, support, challenge, dedication." Reflections on the outstanding contributions of Anne Smith during her time as PCRS chief executive.
The PCRS Fit to Care document enables healthcare professionals of all disciplines to assess their competencies and any training needs they have to ensure they are delivering safe and effective respiratory care.
Work up and diagnosis of patients presenting with respiratory symptoms, including those indicating COVID-19 infection, during the COVID-19 pandemic requires a structured clinical assessment that minimises the risk for cross-infection.
PCRS has developed a series a checklists for self-reflection, help prepare for revalidation and identify training needs. ✔
Steve Holmes, GP in Somerset and PCRS Education Lead and Rob Stone, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Musgrove Park Hospital, Somerset provide a practical guide for clinicians and commissioners in supporting patients to recover after COVID-19.
Guidance was published in April 2021 regarding the reinstatement of spirometry services during and post-COVID-19.
The Coronavirus pandemic is creating a particularly challenging environment for primary, community and integrated teams to deliver care to patients with respiratory disease. The situation is evolving creating constant change.
The Coronavirus pandemic is creating a particularly challenging environment for primary, community and integrated teams to deliver care to patients with respiratory disease.
Tracey Lonergan PCRS Policy Coordinator, reports on the highlights from the PCRS Respiratory Conference 2019 Service Development Stream.