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This issue of PCRU introduces our latest pragmatic guide on severe asthma which guides you through this process ensuring the right patients end up in the right place with the right care.

Digital health has come to the fore with the COVID pandemic. Some apps and digital strategies are welcome and we wish we had adopted them years ago – other initiatives are not so effective and we have concerns about how they will affect the healthcare we provide.

Can Only Plan Daily - COPD is a serious disease needing the right diagnosis and treatment with the person’s need sitting front and centre.

Taxonomy: Asthma, Current, PCRU, 1 hour

This edition of PCRU has a flavour of 'out with the old and in with the new', as it is the last one in which we will feature Noel Baxter's thoughts and reflections from the Chair.

Taxonomy: Current, Other, PCRU, 1 hour

Key learning points: • Taking a history, doing the examination, chest X-ray and spirometry are really important • Look for red flags and refer these patients straight to secondary care. • Do the basics which will point you towards the things you can do in primary care.

Taxonomy: Asthma, Current, PCRU, 1 hour

Asthma Guidelines in Practice – A PCRS Consensus is a practical and pragmatic guide for healthcare professionals working in primary and intermediate care.  This guide was commissioned to provide clarity on aspects of diagnosis, management and monitoring of asthma that are uncertain

This 'Get Winter Wrapped' issue focuses on the twin challenges of winter pressures and coping with COVID-19.  

Katherine Hickman (GP - Bradford, Respiratory Lead for West Yorkshire and Harrogate ICS, and PCRS Vice-Chair) is joined by Daryl Freeman (Associate Clinical Director for Norfolk Community Health and Care and PCRS Service Development Lead) and Vince Mak (Consultant Physician in Respiratory Integra

The PCRS Greener Respiratory Healthcare Quality Improvement (QI) toolkit has been developed to support HCPs working in the primary care setting to understand and evaluate the environmental impact of their clinical practice, identify ways to reduce this impact, set goals and priorities and evaluat

Originally presented at the PCRS Respiratory Conference 2021 Dr Rebecca Thursfield presents on "Grand Round - Transitional Care - Paediatrics to Teenagers and Adults"

Originally presented at the PCRS Respiratory Conference 2021 Jill Nicholls presents on "End Stage Management of COPD/ILD - Best Practice Tips and Guidance. When to Seek Support/Refer"

Originally presented at the PCRS Respiratory Conference 2021 Gillian Austin presents on "What is Disordered Breathing and How Do You Deal with It?"

Originally presented at the PCRS Respiratory Conference 2021 Dominika Froehlich-Jeziorek presents on "Conducting Virtual Respiratory Reviews in Primary Care and Community"

Originally presented at the PCRS Respiratory Conference 2021 David Baldwin presents on "What's Happened to Lung Cancer since COVID? How to Spot that 1 Patient per Year with Lung Cancer"