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Search our archive for materials older than three years. PCRS takes no responsibility for the content of archived material.

275 results
Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: PCRU, Respiratory lead or clinical lead information Clinical Area: Other Status: Current

Fran Robinson talks to Dr Dayo Kuko on her experience of the PCRS Respiratory Leader Programme and how it has helped her deal with conflict, influence others and gain confidence in her professional role. Originally published in the Winter 2018 edition of the Primary Care Respiratory Update. Find out more about the Respiratory Leadership Programme

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: PCRU Clinical Area: Other Status: Current

This PCRU article features initiatives led by PCRS members around the UK, supported by PCRS programmes and tools. Achieving national spirometry certification in primary and secondary care in wales: a systematic approach. Dr Simon Barry Consultant Respiratory Physician University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, and Lead, Respiratory Health Implementation Plan Wales. Originally published in the Winter 2018 edition of the Primary Care Respiratory Update.

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: PCRU Clinical Area: Asthma Status: Current

In this regular PCRU feature we explore cases of rarer lung conditions and their presentation. In this short case discussion Fran Robinson interviews Dr Stephen Gaduzo as they discuss John, an amateur footballer who has recently been diagnosed with asthma. Originally published in the Winter 2018 edition of the Primary Care Respiratory Update.

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: PCRU Clinical Area: Other Status: Current

Fran Robinson interviews Dr Noel Baxter, Dr Binita Kane, Dr Georges Ng Man Kwong and Dr Jørgen Vestbo, to discuss their experience of setting up and running multidisciplinary respiratory virtual clinics. Originally published in the Winter 2018 edition of the Primary Care Respiratory Update.

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: PCRU Clinical Area: Other Status: Current

Bronwen Thompson discusses the respiratory long-term plan for England with Professor Mike Morgan, National Clinical Director for Respiratory Disease at NHS England. Originally published in the Winter 2018 edition of the Primary Care Respiratory Update.

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: PCRU Clinical Area: Asthma Status: Current

Monitoring ICS underuse in asthma and over-reliance on SABA: A sponsored supplement. Improving outcomes in asthma as an inflammatory disease: spotlight on monitoring ICS underuse and over-reliance on SABA: A sponsored supplement. A report of a multi-disciplinary consensus meeting held in December 2018. AstraZeneca organised and fully funded the meeting and the production of this supplement. All meeting participants reviewed and commented upon the content of this supplement. The views expressed are not necessarily those of AstraZeneca or PCRS.

Time to review: 30 minutes

Q: My patient smokes cigarettes and has a BMI of 43, they drink 45 units of alcohol a week and their physical activity is limited. What should I do first or is it better to tackle all together?

Time to review: 30 minutes

Very Brief Advice (VBA) is our most practical tool to trigger a quit attempt, with structured behavioural support and medical treatment being the best method of quitting and ideally these are provided by stop smoking practitioners. If smokers are unwilling or unable to attend specialist stop smoking services to quit smoking support can be effectively offered by GPs within a series of standard 10-minute appointments.

Time to review: 30 minutes

ASK : ADVISE : ACT Using VBA does not depend on the person's readiness to quit and you do not need to assess it before you start Very Brief Advice or VBA is a simple and powerful approach designed to be used opportunistically in less than 30 seconds in almost any consultation with a smoker. VBA is a public health intervention delivered in a one-to-one health setting and can be delivered by any professional.