Scientific Research Abstracts
PCRS welcomes quantitative and qualitative research across the spectrum, from systematic reviews and database studies through to clinical trials and implementation studies.
⏰ Submission Deadline: 30th June 2025
A key meeting in the academic calendar
The PCRS Respiratory Conference is a key meeting in the academic calendar for established researchers and early career researchers alike to find out about what is going on nationally, share ideas and make new collaborations. With oral presentations alongside a dedicated area for posters, it offers an excellent forum for both clinical and non-clinical researchers to gain input from practising clinicians, as well as to stay up-to-date with clinical topics.
Abstract submissions
We welcome both quantitative and qualitative research across the spectrum, from systematic reviews and database studies through to clinical trials and implementation studies. Abstracts on work in progress and study protocols are also welcome - providing an opportunity to receive feedback which can still impact the direction of a study.
All abstracts will be subject to peer review. The highest scoring abstracts will be selected for oral presentation, and other accepted abstracts will be invited to prepare a poster for display at the conference. You can select as part of the submission process if you would prefer a poster. Authors of all abstracts accepted for the conference will be invited to prepare a poster for display throughout the conference in the gallery and via the virtual conference dashboard.
Corresponding authors will be notified by 31st July if their abstract has been accepted and will be offered one discounted registration, provided they register by 4th September.
Publication of abstracts
All abstracts accepted for the conference will be published on the PCRS website - unless you specifically tell us that your research findings are embargoed and should not be published online.
Abstract award
A free conference place and a bursary towards cover travel and accommodation (£100) for the 2026 PCRS Respiratory Conference will be awarded to the best scientific original research abstract. The winner will also be invited to present their work in a dedicated conference session.
In addition, complimentary registration for the 2026 conference will be awarded to
- The ‘best original research poster' (identified at the conference and judged on impact and clarity of poster).
- The most patient-centred poster as judged by the PCRS Patient Reference Group.
Alternatively, you can submit a Best Practice / Service Development Abstract. If you are not sure which category your abstract falls into contact
PCRS Respiratory Conference
The UK's leading respiratory conference for clinicians working primary, community and integrated care comes to Telford in September.
Submissions of Scientific Research, Best Practice and Service Development Abstracts to the PCRS Conference are open until the 30th June 2025.
Tips to improve the success of your abstract
Our top tips to improve the success of your abstract when submitting to the PCRS Conference.