On Demand webinar: An update on the management of COPD
Chaired by Katherine Hickman (our PCRS Executive Chair), this webinar focusses on smoking, movement for health and COPD exacerbations with guest speakers Darush Attar-Zadeh, Steve Holmes and Alicia Piwko. They discuss:
- The benefits of stopping smoking, very brief advice (VBA), new opportunities in smoking cessation, as well as how you can have positive, effective conversations with your patients in short appointment slots.
- Treating exacerbations quickly, non-pharma interventions, the risks of having rescue packs and oral steroids on repeat prescriptions and the importance of those review and follow up processes in ensuring improved patient outcomes.
- The importance of individuals with COPD keeping active and maintaining their overall fitness, referrals to social prescribing and PR and providing practical advice in order give them the tailored support they need.
This webinar provides a clear and concise update on the management of COPD, as well as some essential information and knowledge to ensure your COPD patients continue to experience best practice COPD care.
This event also accompanies three campaign animations that were launched on 10th June 2024 - please see the below links for these animations: It's not just another flare up, Movement for health, and It's never too late to quit.
Challenging Perceptions of COPD
The PCRS Challenging perceptions of COPD campaign seeks to change attitudes to COPD, by shifting the narrative and focusing on what HCPs can do to more effectively support their patients.
Podcast - Very Brief Advice (VBA)
In this new series, for both existing and non-members of PCRS, we will be briefly discussing some pertinent respiratory topicsTo kick things off and to mark National No Smoking Day on the 13th March, join Steve Holmes (GP and PCRS Committee Member) and Ren Lawlor (Independent Nurse Consultant and Vice-Chair of PCRS) as they give a brief outline of Very Brief Advice (VBA), what the tools are and how you can implement them in your day-to-day practice.
Communicating the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation
How can referrers and practitioners who run courses communicate the benefits of PR to patients?
It's not just another flare up
Exacerbations, or 'flare-ups', can be common occurrences for some individuals with COPD. These are periods when breathing can be difficult, physical activity is harder and inhalers need to be taken more frequently. They may also require admission to hospital. People with COPD must know these are not normal, and they need to seek help promptly.
Movement for health
Keeping physically active is hugely important for anyone, but particularly for individuals with respiratory conditions. Keeping active and healthy reduces strain on the lungs, maintains muscle strength and enhances symptom management over time. Those living with COPD must understand and prioritise exercise and general wellbeing from the outset. Part of the Challenging Perceptions of COPD campaign, this animation provides a concise guide to supporting people with COPD to remain active and healthy.
It's never too late to quit
Smoking is the primary cause of COPD and, according to NHS figures, is thought to be responsible for 9 in every 10 cases of the condition. Supporting individuals with COPD to stop smoking in a supportive and considerate way is crucial to prevent any further damage to their lungs. Part of the Challenging the Perceptions of COPD campaign, this animation provides a concise guide to addressing smoking in people with COPD.