Teaching Inhaler Technique - survey to inform new educational resource
The UK Inhaler Group (UKIG), which PCRS-UK is a member of, are working with Asthma UK to develop a comprehensive set of videos on correct inhaler technique.
The UK Inhaler Group (UKIG), which PCRS-UK is a member of, are working with Asthma UK to develop a comprehensive set of videos on correct inhaler technique. The videos would be available online and form a definitive, easily accessed resource for patients and healthcare professionals. As part of this, the UKIG are asking healthcare professionals to complete a short survey, which along with a patient survey will help the planning of the project and producing these videos. The questionnaires should each take about 3 - 5 minutes to complete.
Please help UKIG by completing the survey HERE.
If you have any questions regarding these, please get in touch with Kristina Leonnet, Programme Development Manager for Asthma UK, at kleonnet@asthma.org.uk