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The PCRS Fit to Care document enables healthcare professionals of all disciplines to assess their competencies and any training needs they have to ensure they are  delivering safe and effective respiratory care. 

In this article for Primary Care Respiratory Update, Clare Cook, PCRS Respiratory Leaders Programme Board Chair and Physiotherapist, describes her experience as a community healthcare worker during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. She explores how the team prepared for

Concerned about diagnosing patients presenting with respiratory symptoms? Help is at hand. PCRS have now issued a position statement and recommendations for clinicians on the diagnostic work up of patients presenting with respiratory symptoms while Covid-19 remains in active circulation.

Watch our on demand webinar on perspectives of the current UK landscape in asthma care

PCRS has developed a series a checklists for self-reflection, help prepare for revalidation and identify training needs. ✔ 

Watch our on demand webinar: Keeping people with asthma safe: role of the post attack review

PCRS is delighted to announce the launch of Wave 1 of a series of new educational webinars for HCPs and patients to help the management of primary care respiratory conditions in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic.   

G20 country leaders have today been urged to prioritise greener healthcare as they develop post-COVID 19 economic recovery plans.

NICE has issued new rapid guidance on keeping safe those patients in the community with interstitial lung disease (ILD).

Current smokers with COVID-19 are at increased risk for severe complications and face a higher mortality rate than former or never smokers.

Steve Holmes, GP in Somerset and PCRS Education Lead and Rob Stone, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Musgrove Park Hospital, Somerset provide a practical guide for clinicians and commissioners in supporting patients to recover after COVID-19.

Carol Stonham, PCRS Executive Chair was delighted to receive a letter today from Kay Boycott, the Asthma UK and BLF CEO thanking PCRS members for working throughout the Easter Weekend.