Exhibiting Information
Conference organiser contact: Kim Esslemont
Telephone: 01675 477 600
Mobile: 07539 044954
Email: kim@pcrs-uk.org
Address for correspondence: 483 Green Lanes, London, N13 4BS
Please note that the details contained on this page may be subject to change without notice.
Expected number of delegates: 350+
See map and directions to The International Centre, Telford. The venue website can be found at: www.theinternationalcentretelford.com.
Installation of exhibits
The exhibition area will be available for set up for shell-scheme and stand only builds between 1500-1800 hours on 19 September and from 0800 hours on 20 September. Please report to gate B for registration by security, view the site plan to show gate B. Stands must be ready by 0830 hours on 20 September. If you have stand builders and require more build time, please contact Kim.
To adhere to the venue's fire regulations please ensure that all fire exits, gangways and wall mounted glass fire alarms are kept clear at all times. Exhibitors must make their own arrangements for the storage of packing cases.
The venue security staff will lock the exhibition area at 1800 hours on 19 September and will reopen at 0800 hours on 20 September. PCRS do not take responsibility for exhibition material and therefore recommend that valuable materials are not left overnight.
Please ensure all stand builders are aware of the Manual Handling at work guide https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg143.pdf
Final stand plans and RAMS to be submitted by Friday 23 August.
Stand specification and location
All purchased stands will be located in Ironbridge Suites 2 and 3 on the first floor of The International Centre and built to the shell scheme specification. If you have stand builders, please contact Kim for build restrictions. The height in the exhibition room is 6m. Any structure over 4m needs structural sign off.
Charities and not-for-profit organisations
Set up will be available in the gallery area from 0800 hours on 20 September. Please come to the main registration desk located in the Gallery Area on the first floor of The International Centre.
Space allocation
The conference organisers are responsible for stand allocation unless otherwise stated. Positions are non-transferable once allocated. The organisers reserve the right to change the floor plan, exhibition layout and stand numbers without notice or recourse. Premium stand preferences will be agreed in advance of the meeting.
Exhibitor registration
All exhibitors are required to be registered in advance and will receive a badge displaying the exhibiting organisation name upon arrival at conference. The badge can be collected from the registration desk and is for the duration of the conference. Only one badge will be permitted per exhibiting person for the duration of the conference, no badges can be replaced due to loss or misplacement.
Conference attendees will have the following colours to differentiate who is attending in a clinical or non-clinical role.
Blue = clinical
Green = non-clinical
This year our conference badges contain a QR code, which when scanned will display limited contact information, making it easier for you to connect with others at the conference. Please seek consent from delegates before scanning their QR codes.
Furniture requests
It is anticipated that you will bring your own equipment and furniture for your exhibition stand over and above the table and two chairs that will be provided. Trestle tables are 6ft x 2ft 6 inches. If you require additional items of furniture please inform the conference organisers no later than Friday 23 August. Additional items will be chargeable.
Exhibition material: delivery and collection
Exhibition material can be sent in advance of the conference but must arrive no earlier than Wednesday 18 September. All boxes should be clearly labelled with your organisation information as follows:
Kim Esslemont
PCRS 2024
Ironbridge 2
The International Centre
St Quentin Gate
Exhibitor: your organisation name box 1 of 2
The delivery form must be completed and sent with your exhibition material.
All deliveries should clearly state from which company they originate. Material will be transferred to the exhibition suite on Thursday 20 September AM.
Any post-event collections should be clearly marked and couriers advised to collect from the same address. Collections must be made by 1600 hours on Monday 23 September.
The collection form must be completed and attached to your exhibition material that is to be collected.
Exhibition open times
All stands must be supervised whilst the exhibition is open between 0830-1615 hours on Friday 20 September and 0800-1125 hours on Saturday 21 September.
Security and emergency announcements
In order to assist with security during build-up and the open period of the event, admittance may be refused to anyone who cannot produce the designated event pass or badge. Please ensure that you and your colleagues carry badges at all times.
Please familiarise yourself with the emergency and fire procedures at the venue as soon as you arrive. If partial or complete evacuation is necessary, it is strongly recommended that you leave the building for your own safety. The organisers cannot accept responsibility for damage, loss or injury however caused. In the event of an evacuation and when leaving your area each night, please ensure all appliances are switched off.
Please be vigilant throughout the event to ensure the safety of your property and do not leave valuables unattended. It is important to make constant checks of your stand to ensure that no identifiable packages, cases or bags have been deposited. If suspicions arise, do not touch the suspicious article and alert a member of venue staff immediately.
Additional exhibitors and catering
Complimentary refreshments have been arranged for agreed number of exhibitors from each exhibiting company (dinner and accommodation are excluded). Further exhibitors (a maximum of 3 additional), will be charged at the standard commercial rates (this includes refreshments & lunch for both days but does not include accommodation or dinner).
To allow for coffee break and lunchtime traffic, we will endeavour to arrange for early refreshments and lunches for exhibitors (approximately half an hour before standard break times).
Removal of exhibits
Breakdown will commence at 1330 hours on Saturday 21 September when the conference closes to ensure there is no disruption with the adjoining meeting rooms. Please inform contractors and breakdown staff that access to the exhibition area will not be permitted prior to this time. All materials, including empty boxes and waste paper, must be removed from the exhibition on departure or cleaning fees will be incurred. Breakdown must be completed by 1800 hours.