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In this short episode Jane Scullion and Dr Steve Holmes discuss the use of rescue packs in asthma and COPD.  They challenge current views and perceptions on the use of rescue packs and explore the evidence around their use.  

In this short podcast Dr Steve Holmes and Jane Scullion discuss risk stratification in asthma management and explore how it can help identify asthma patients most at risk of a life-threatening asthma event. They explore what data to extract to help identify these patients.  

In this short podcast Steve Holmes and Jane Scullion discuss the diagnosis of asthma, it's challenges and issues and explore the best practice clinical assessment and objective testing required to make a diagnosis in the different patient groups

Carol Stonham (Primary Care Nurse and PCRS Executive Chair) is joined by Ren Lawlor (Advanced Nurse Practitioner and PCRS Education Committee Chair) to discuss the contents of the children and young people asthma care bundle are and what it means to you in clinical practice.

In this episode of the PCRS Podcast Dr Fiona Mosgrove (GP and PCRS Education Committee Member) discusses the complexities of Severe and Difficult Asthma with Dr Tom Fardon (Consultant Physician in Respiratory and General Internal Medicine at NHS Tayside, Chair of the National Advisory Group for R

Despite the reality of high asthma death rates in the UK, Asthma Myths mean many do not take the condition seriously.

Darush Attar-Zadeh explains how healthcare professionals can educate and empower patients to optimize their asthma treatment and help to them to live a symptom free life.

Dr Katherine Hickman explains the importance of basic asthma care and shares her experience of changing a patient’s life by having a three minute conversation about his blue inhaler overuse.

This article by Darush Attar Zadeh, alongside the excellent short form animations below, supports the fantastic range of tools that have been produced as part of the Asthma Right Care movement to support you to chall

Frances explains how some people with asthma view their symptoms as an unavoidable part of the condition - leading them to avoid triggers, such as exercise and pets.

Asthma Right Care (ARC) is a global initiative led by the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) to explore how to use social movement approaches to create a sense of discomfort and dissatisfaction with the status quo in the management of asthma in a manner that’s positive and creat

There are various forms of rhinitis, which is defined as inflammation of the nasal mucosa and can be due to various causes such as an allergen, infection, vaso-motor abnormality (caused by an irritant). The condition may also involve the sinuses and is known as rhino-sinusitis. 

This edition of PCRU features guest editor Nicola Strandring-Brown, a primary care nurse working in South Yorkshire and PCRS Committee Member.

Originally presented at the PCRS Respiratory Conference 2021 Viv Marsh presents on "Stop, Check, Go - Asthma Diagnosis in Children"