A community pharmacy project to support patients with asthma to change their behaviour and improve control of their condition has been launched in North West London.
Briefing document for National Respiratory Strategies – the NHS Long term plan and Lung Health Taskforce 5 year plan.
This is the most recent briefing paper on the latest update to the BTS/SIGN British Asthma Guideline.
Today is World Asthma Day and an opportunity to encourage your patients and colleagues to adopt the positive approach being promoted by the Asthma Right Care social movement.
The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) has released a 2019 update to their Pocket Guide for Asthma Management and Prevention and the Pocket Guide on Diagnosis and Management of Difficult-to-treat and Severe Asthma in
In this regular PCRU feature we explore cases of rarer lung conditions and their presentation.
A mobile friendly asthma slide rule has been added to the Asthma Right Care website.
Monitoring ICS underuse in asthma and over-reliance on SABA: A sponsored supplement. Improving outcomes in asthma as an inflammatory disease: spotlight on monitoring ICS underuse and over-reliance on SABA: A sponsored supplement.
Please read the guidance notes which provide potential steps and questions to ask when using the Asthma Slide Rule.
It’s No Smoking Day 2019 on Wednesday March 13, the national health awareness day that encourages smokers to quit.
The UK has the highest asthma death rate for young people aged 10-24, compared with other wealthy countries. This is the finding of an international comparison of young people’s health conducted by the Nuffield Trust and the Association for Young People’s Health.
Issue 16 of PCRU looks back over the year and looks forward to the future of respiratory care
Where a patient lives, their age and economic circumstance can affect their chances of developing asthma and the care that they receive, finds a new Asthma UK report.