Spotlight on Dr Jennifer Quint at the Respiratory Epidemiology Group at Imperial College London
In this newsletter we are shining a spotlight on Dr Jennifer Quint at the Respiratory Epidemiology Group at Imperial College London.
Dr Jennifer Quint leads the Respiratory Epidemiology Group at Imperial College London which is interested in better understanding chronic respiratory diseases.
Dr Quint has a particular interest in the use of electronic health records to study chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other chronic respiratory diseases. This research entails using multiple sources of routinely collected electronic health record data to better understand the interaction between respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. And more specifically her work has involved looking at why patients with COPD are at increased risk of ischaemic heart disease, above and beyond the common risk factor of smoking.
Dr Quint was awarded a grant from the Health Foundation for a project aiming to better understand the patient journey of those with lung disease. This research is looking at the full range of data on admissions to healthcare services, which have not been combined before, to better understand the complete patient journey. The project will be led by Dr Quint of the National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLI), in collaboration with Alex Bottle from the Dr Foster Unit, the National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP) at the Royal College of Physicians, and Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD).
Dr Quint is based in the National Heart and Lung Institute which is one of the four Departments in Imperial’s Faculty of Medicine, and Honorary Consultant Physician in Respiratory Medicine at Royal Brompton Hospital.
You can keep up to date with the Group’s research and other exploits on Twitter @RespEpi. Find out more about Dr Quint’s research in a recent interview or by watching a series of short clips on the NHLI’s YouTube channel.