Speaker Information: Conference Digital Technology
Your presentation
To ensure that we have sufficient back-up procedures in the event of computer failure please submit your presentation by email (or via www.wetransfer.com if bigger than 7MB) no later than Monday 16 September. Please also bring a memory stick copy with you to the meeting. If you require access to the internet and/or require sound for your presentation please make sure you notify us before the conference so that we can ensure the appropriate equipment is provided.
Microsoft PowerPoint® is recommended as the presentation medium of choice and PCRS has a preferred slide template. The conference will be using a widescreen format for the presentation of slides. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to use your own laptop. Please ensure you use the widescreen (16:9) format if you are not using the template provided. Please use a sans serif font when preparing your slides (e.g. Calibri). If you plan to use any other presentation medium such as 35mm slides or video, you will need to email us as soon as possible or call 01675 477 600.
Speakers are responsible for ensuring relevant permission is obtained if using images/graphics not created themselves.
Sharing your presentation with delegates
All presentations will be treated in strict confidence and not utilised by anyone other than the production crew on the days of the conference. All presentations will be loaded during and after the conference within the conference digital information to allow delegates to view presentations. If you do not authorise your presentation to be made available to delegates, please contact us to opt out no later than Monday 16 September.
Key learning points
Please submit up to five key learning points that delegates should be able to take away having attended your presentation. These learning points will be used in post-conference materials and to support social media tweeting posts during the conference.
Delegate Information and Engagement
This year the conference will be supported by mobile friendly pages on the PCRS website. The site will provide speakers and delegates with access to real-time event information, opportunities to request meet-ups with colleagues and peers, view conference materials and posters, and ability to stay informed with the latest event happenings via live SMS updates as well as, importantly, helping us to reduce our carbon footprint by reducing printed materials.
Only conference attendees will have access to these pages via their PCRS website login.
Speakers also have the option to facilitate audience interactivity by the inclusion of in-presentation polls/questionnaires. We encourage the use of polls to support audience engagement. Polling questions can be multiple choice questions and/or simple Yes/No questions. If you wish to include one or more polls or questions please submit these no later than Monday 16 September to info@pcrs-uk.org.
Tips for using PowerPoint®
- Use a Sans Serif font such as Calibri in all text
- Try to limit each slide to a maximum of 7 lines of text with 7 words per line
- Use a font size of at least 24 points
- Never use more than two fonts on a slide
- Never use all capital letters in a slide, it makes reading text more difficult and can be perceived as "SHOUTING" a message
- Keep animations to a minimum using the facility only to emphasise a point
- The use of sound animation is discouraged
- If inserting videos, please ensure you follow the guidance on the right
Inserting Videos
Care must be taken to be ensure video clips will play correctly in your presentation.
Different types of compression are used for different video formats (video formats include MPEG, AVI and QuickTime* (Apple)). Each format or codec has certain features which affect the final output and there is a trade-off between high-quality videos and large files. Use short video segments only. Try to create non-compressed AVI files, if possible.
Video files are not embedded directly into the PowerPoint® when you save them. Save the video clips in to the same folder as the PowerPoint® file and email to us along with your presentation and bring the video clips and the PowerPoint® files with you to conference.