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Search our archive for materials older than three years. PCRS takes no responsibility for the content of archived material.

275 results
Time to review: 30 minutes

Steve Holmes, GP in Somerset and PCRS Education Lead and Rob Stone, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Musgrove Park Hospital, Somerset provide a practical guide for clinicians and commissioners in supporting patients to recover after COVID-19.

Time to review: 30 minutes

Guidance was published in April 2021 regarding the reinstatement of spirometry services during and post-COVID-19. The guidance aims to minimise risk to patient and healthcare professional. Our Spirometry Q&A may help answer some of your questions.

Time to review: 15 minutes
Type: Clinical resource or information Clinical Area: Asthma, COPD, COVID-19, Infection Status: Current

A video has been produced by Dr Katherine Hickman, Respiratory Lead for West Yorkshire and Harrogate and a GP in Bradford, about managing stable COPD and asthma patients over the phone. Some further videos are in the process of being developed.

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: Clinical resource or information Clinical Area: COVID-19, Infection Status: Current

The Coronavirus pandemic is creating a particularly challenging environment for primary, community and integrated teams to deliver care to patients with respiratory disease. The situation is evolving creating constant change. Please find below resources that may be useful during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Time to review: 15 minutes
Type: Clinical resource or information, News Clinical Area: COVID-19, Infection Status: Current

The Coronavirus pandemic is creating a particularly challenging environment for primary, community and integrated teams to deliver care to patients with respiratory disease. The situation is evolving creating constant change. PCRS has drawn together the following sources of information which will be updated regularly.

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: Clinical resource or information, News Clinical Area: COVID-19, Infection Status: Current

The Coronavirus pandemic is creating a particularly challenging environment for primary, community and integrated teams to deliver care to patients with respiratory disease. The situation is evolving creating constant change. PCRS has drawn together the following sources of information for patients which will be updated regularly.

Time to review: 1 hour

The Coronavirus pandemic has created a challenging environment for the delivery of care to patients with respiratory disease. As our knowledge of the disease continues to grow, guidance and best practice in the space continues to evolve.  We will keep this page updated with all the latest advice. 

Time to review: 15 minutes
Type: Health policy information Clinical Area: Status: Current

On the 6 February, NHS England issued an update to the GP contract agreement 2020/21 to 2023–23/24. The update includes important improvements to the asthma and COPD domains.

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: Event information, PCRU Clinical Area: Other Status: Current

Tracey Lonergan PCRS Policy Coordinator, reports on the highlights from the PCRS Respiratory Conference 2019 Service Development Stream.