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275 results
Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: Podcasts Clinical Area: Asthma Status: Current

Frances explains how some people with asthma view their symptoms as an unavoidable part of the condition - leading them to avoid triggers, such as exercise and pets. Frances emphasizes that harnessing patients’ knowledge of their triggers and educating them in effective asthma management will enable them to take part in all aspects of life.

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: Clinical resource or information Clinical Area: Asthma, Inhaler devices Status: Current

Asthma Right Care (ARC) is a global initiative led by the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) to explore how to use social movement approaches to create a sense of discomfort and dissatisfaction with the status quo in the management of asthma in a manner that’s positive and creates a sense of hope. Other examples of social movements include the ‘hello my name is’ campaign and antibiotic guardianship. 

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: Clinical resource or information, PCRU Clinical Area: Asthma Status: Current

It is not a tick box template – all consultations with patients should be approached holistically and tailored specifically to the patient’s needs, requirements and other co-morbidities and situations.

Time to review: 15 minutes
Type: Clinical resource or information, PCRU Clinical Area: Allergy, Asthma Status: Current

There are various forms of rhinitis, which is defined as inflammation of the nasal mucosa and can be due to various causes such as an allergen, infection, vaso-motor abnormality (caused by an irritant). The condition may also involve the sinuses and is known as rhino-sinusitis. 

Type: PCRU Clinical Area: Allergy, Asthma, Respiratory tests and investigations Status: Current

This edition of PCRU features guest editor Nicola Strandring-Brown, a primary care nurse working in South Yorkshire and PCRS Committee Member.

Time to review: 1 hour
Type: Clinical resource or information Clinical Area: Greener Healthcare Status: Current

The PCRS Greener Respiratory Healthcare Quality Improvement (QI) toolkit has been developed to support HCPs working in the primary care setting to understand and evaluate the environmental impact of their clinical practice, identify ways to reduce this impact, set goals and priorities and evaluate progress. The toolkit has been designed around the PCRS Greener Respiratory Healthcare Pathway which signposts the user to a curated suite of resources and materials to guide and support HCPs in their journey towards sustainable respiratory healthcare.

Time to review: 30 minutes

In this article produced for Practice Nurse, author, PCRS Chair, Carol Stonham, describes FeNO testing and its role in diagnosing respiratory disease.  She discusses the advantages and limitations of this test. 

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: Clinical resource or information, PCRU Clinical Area: Asthma, COPD, COVID-19 Status: Current

Time to review: 1 hour
Type: PCRU Clinical Area: Asthma, COVID-19, Other Status: Current

This edition of PCRU features the final editor's round up from Dr Iain Small, who has expertly lead our newsletter for many years. Check out Katherine Hickman’s superb asthma building blocks – get those right and your asthma care would be unarguably better and more worthwhile. The piece dovetails beautifully with Frances Barrett’s item, which, for those of you, like me, who want to see the picture as well as the words, adds value to our learning process. Linked again (can you see what we did here) is Georgie Herskovits’ piece on asthma in schools.