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Search our archive for materials older than three years. PCRS takes no responsibility for the content of archived material.

287 results
Time to review: 30 minutes

In this article produced for Practice Nurse, author, PCRS Chair, Carol Stonham, describes FeNO testing and its role in diagnosing respiratory disease.  She discusses the advantages and limitations of this test. 

Time to review: 30 minutes
Type: Clinical resource or information, PCRU Clinical Area: Asthma, COPD, COVID-19 Status: Current

Time to review: 1 hour
Type: PCRU Clinical Area: Asthma, COVID-19, Other Status: Current

This edition of PCRU features the final editor's round up from Dr Iain Small, who has expertly lead our newsletter for many years. Check out Katherine Hickman’s superb asthma building blocks – get those right and your asthma care would be unarguably better and more worthwhile. The piece dovetails beautifully with Frances Barrett’s item, which, for those of you, like me, who want to see the picture as well as the words, adds value to our learning process. Linked again (can you see what we did here) is Georgie Herskovits’ piece on asthma in schools.

Time to review: 1 hour

This webinar is designed to encourage & enable health care professionals address behavioural issues they face when delivering health care for their patients.

Time to review: 1 hour
Type: Peer Support Network information, Videos / Webinars Clinical Area: Other Status: Current

In the final Peer Support Network webinar of this series, Carol Stonham will discuss considerations when planning meetings, tips for engaging those that attend during online or attended meetings, and maintaining interest and enthusiasm between meetings. It will help in attracting and retaining other health care team members in your network and help to rejuvenate your group.

Time to review: 1 hour
Type: Peer Support Network information, Videos / Webinars Clinical Area: Other Status: Current

Presentation skills for healthcare professionals In the second of this series of Peer Support Network webinars, Beverley Bostock will share advice on presentation skills for healthcare professionals, including preparation, online presentations, face to face presentations and slide preparation.

Time to review: 1 hour
Type: Peer Support Network information, Videos / Webinars Clinical Area: Other Status: Current

Top Tips for Facilitating Online Meetings

Type: Videos / Webinars Clinical Area: Asthma Status: Current

In association with Sandoz, we are delighted to be hosting a new webinar series on asthma care Inhaler technique optimisation and adherence through patient partnership: use of technology, coaching of soft skills and how medicine reviews can help with this