On Demand webinar: Asthma in Schools - Be proactive, not reactive
Be proactive, not reactive.
All schools, teachers and school nurses have a responsibility to keep children safe and well. As reported in the National Review of Asthma Deaths: What did we learn and what needs to change? by Dr Mark Levy, 28 children and young people died from asthma during the review - equivalent to losing an entire classroom.
We know that when it comes to pupils with diabetes or severe allergies, everyone is prepared and knows what to do. But can the same be said for young students with asthma?
In this webinar we discussed:
- The responsibilities you have when dealing with children with asthma
- Management plans - what they are, how to understand them, and how to best utilise them
- The seriousness of asthma and how quickly it can escalate
- What to do in a worst case scenario How to treat children with asthma as seriously as those with diabetes or severe allergies
- How to be proactive rather than reactive
Children spend a significant amount of their childhood in school, so ensuring their safety and wellbeing is essential.
This webinar was an interactive session including multiple questions from the audience.
This webinar also accompanies a podcast on Children and Young People and Schools - please see below for a link to this podcast.
Ren, Corinne and Viv shared some invaluable resources during this webinar:
- elearning for healthcare: National Bundle of Care for Children and Young People with Asthma programme
- Preventable: A film about asthma, created by teenagers for teenagers. Filmed by members of The Cherwell Filming Club at The Cherwell School, Oxford, UK.
- Asthma and Lung UK
- Asthma and Lung UK - Inhaler Videos
- Asthma and Lung UK - Asthma at school and nursery
- What is an Asthma Friendly School? - A video from the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board
Podcast - Children and Young People and Schools
In this children and young people and schools episode of the PCRS Podcast, Ren Lawlor (PCRS Executive Vice-Chair and Advanced Nurse Practitioner) is joined by Lisa Cummings (Children and Young Peoples Senior Specialist Asthma Practitioner) and Corinne Beirne (Advanced Nurse Practitioner in General Practice).Together, they discuss the important conversations that need to happen with teachers, school nurses, and administrators to ensure the right care is in place for children and young people with asthma.
Asthma and Atopy in Children & Young People
In this article Lisa Cummings, Queens Nurse, CYP Specialist Asthma Practitioner and PCRS Education Committee member, discusses the management of asthma and atopy in children and young people focusing on perennial and allergic rhinitis, it’s impact on asthma and top tips for reducing symptoms and improving control.
Young people in UK most at risk of dying from asthma
The UK has the highest asthma death rate for young people aged 10-24, compared with other wealthy countries. This is the finding of an international comparison of young people’s health conducted by the Nuffield Trust and the Association for Young People’s Health.
Podcast - Children and Young People Asthma Care Bundle
Carol Stonham (Primary Care Nurse and PCRS Executive Chair) is joined by Ren Lawlor (Advanced Nurse Practitioner and PCRS Education Committee Chair) to discuss the contents of the children and young people asthma care bundle are and what it means to you in clinical practice. They delve into the five core components of the document and share their thoughts and experiences.
Podcast - Inhaler technique in children and young people
In this episode specialist respiratory nurses Viv Marsh (Paediatric Asthma Nurse Specialist, Dudley, West Midlands), Rebecca Bryson (Children's Respiratory Nurse specialising in Asthma and Allergy, Arrowe Park Teaching Hospital, The Wirral) and Lesley Kennedy (Asthma and Allergy Nurse Specialist, Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland) share their expertise on how to select the best inhalers and spacers for children and young people and provide support on inhaler technique.