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466 results

Dr Steve Holmes - Somerset: A Whole Practice Approach to Greener Healthcare This case study from Dr Steve Holmes provides an overview of the changes he and his colleagues have made over the past twenty years in order to improve not just the practice they run and how it operates, but als

Can Only Plan Daily - COPD is a serious disease needing the right diagnosis and treatment with the person’s need sitting front and centre.

Taxonomy: Asthma, Current, PCRU, 1 hour

This edition of PCRU has a flavour of 'out with the old and in with the new', as it is the last one in which we will feature Noel Baxter's thoughts and reflections from the Chair.

Taxonomy: Current, Other, PCRU, 1 hour

Key learning points: • Taking a history, doing the examination, chest X-ray and spirometry are really important • Look for red flags and refer these patients straight to secondary care. • Do the basics which will point you towards the things you can do in primary care.

Taxonomy: Asthma, Current, PCRU, 1 hour

Asthma Guidelines in Practice – A PCRS Consensus is a practical and pragmatic guide for healthcare professionals working in primary and intermediate care.  This guide was commissioned to provide clarity on aspects of diagnosis, management and monitoring of asthma that are uncertain

This 'Get Winter Wrapped' issue focuses on the twin challenges of winter pressures and coping with COVID-19.  

PCRS joins the nation in offering our sincere and heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family on the death of Her Majesty the Queen.

This is the first time Darush has met Nicky to undertake an annual review during which he identifies that Nicky's asthma has deteriorated in recent weeks.  Using some of the PCRS Asthma Right Care resources he explores her symptoms and possible over-reliance on SABA.

Professor James Chalmers (British Lung Foundation Chair of Respiratory Research, University of Dundee) joins Dr Fiona Mosgrove (GP and Senior Clinical Lecturer with the General Practice team at the University of Aberdeen) for this latest PCRS podcast to discuss the diagnosis and management of bro

In this episode specialist respiratory nurses Viv Marsh (Paediatric Asthma Nurse Specialist, Dudley, West Midlands), Rebecca Bryson (Children's Respiratory Nurse specialising in Asthma and Allergy, Arrowe Park Teaching Hospital, The Wirral) and Lesley Kennedy (Asthma and Allergy Nurse Specia

Jane Scullion (Respiratory Nurse Consultant, University Hospitals of Leicester) joins Dr Steve Holmes (General Practitioner, Somerset) to discuss Post COVID Syndrome, its symptoms,  diagnosis and management in this latest episode of the PCRS podcast.