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31 results

SYRIG (South Yorkshire Respiratory Interest Group)

Network Lead: Nicola Standring-Brown
Composition: Multi-disciplinary Focus: Respiratory group focusing specifically on respiratory issues

SYRIG are a peer support respiratory interest group meeting approximately bimonthly and providing a mixture of face to face and online events. We source speakers from the South Yorkshire area and Nationally and aim to keep our membership up to date with local changes as well as national issues and provide opportunity to network with likeminded professionals. We have a mixed membership which includes physiotherapists, pharmacists, GPs, Nurses, Advanced Clinical Practitioners and Secondary Care Consultants - any health professional is welcome. Our website is, we have a facebook page and you can register there to be added to our mailing list to hear about local respiratory education opportunities and SYRIG meetings, we would love to hear from you or have you along!

West Norfolk FORD group

Network Lead: Amanda Pearson
Composition: Multi-disciplinary Focus: Respiratory group focusing specifically on respiratory issues

A friendly group keen to develop best practice in respiratory care in our locality. Providing free educational events locally. Encouraging networking to provide support. We are made up of Nurses, Drs, Healthcare assistants, Physios and Pharmacists.

West Northumberland Practice Nurse Group

Network Lead: Alison Mcclintock
Composition: Nurses only Focus: Professional group focusing on issues related to the professional role (e.g. practice nurse group)

Practice Nurse Group for clinical support and supervision

Wiltshire Airways Nurse Group (WANG)

Network Lead: Cathy Warner
Composition: Multi-disciplinary Focus: Respiratory group focusing specifically on respiratory issues

The group is based in Wiltshire and holds quarterly educational meetings, there is also a very active whatsapp group through which members can ask questions and keep up to date with what is available locally in terms of education. We actively support each other and can set up informal mentoring partnerships to help nurses new into respiratory care, or taking on a new skill or disease group. Whilst the group is mainly nurses we welcome allied HCP who have an interest in respiratory disease in Primary Care.

Woking Respiratory Club

Network Lead: Karen Thornborrow
Composition: Multi-disciplinary Focus: Respiratory group focusing specifically on respiratory issues

An active group who normally meet every 12 weeks to update on various topics from ENT through to Asthma/COPD guidelines, sharing best practice and Topical discussions. Well attended meetings and good feedback from group members.
I have Involvement with the CCG and the NW Surrey Steering Group looking at referral to the NICS Respiratory Spirometry. Our next meeting will look at the way forward in providing a Spirometry Service & referral to our local Spirometry Clinics run by NICS Respiratory Hub & discuss the Asthma Care Bundle for Children, Viral induced wheeze/Preschool wheeze

York and North Yorkshire PCN's

Network Lead: Latife Hardaker
Composition: Multi-disciplinary Focus: Respiratory group focusing specifically on respiratory issues

This is a Respiratory Forum/Respiratory Interest Group which hold meetings for York and North Yorkshire. Educational sessions are carried out every 6-8 weeks via MT, those that usually attend are Respiratory Lead Nurses/GP's in respiratory interest and HCA as well as Pharmacy staff who are involved with asthma and COPD. We get together to talk about what we can learn from each other, share ideas and knowledge, and identify learning needs.