Helen Ashdown is an academic GP at the University of Oxford, where she has both a clinical and research interest in primary care respiratory medicine. Her research focuses on early and accurate diagnosis of airways disease (asthma and COPD) in primary care, particularly using biomarkers and novel technology to identify disease at an earlier stage and give patients the correct treatment for them and their disease, in a personalised way rather than a one-sized-fits-all approach. She is Co-Lead of the Respiratory Theme of the NIHR HealthTech Research Centre in Community Healthcare, and collaborates with industry around evidence generation for new technology in primary care. She is Research Lead of the Primary Care Respiratory Society and a member of Policy Forum, Executive and Conference Committees. She is an honorary GP at Beaumont Elms Practice in Oxford where she is Respiratory Lead, and she also sits on various ICB Respiratory committees. She is Tutor in Clinical Medicine at Somerville College, Oxford. Outside of work, she enjoys climbing mountains and travel, now with children in tow.