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Patients will be empowered to choose where they receive their NHS care under new plans to help cut waiting lists, one of the Prime Minister’s five priorities.

NICE Diagnostic Guidance 12 (DG12); Measuring fractional exhaled nitric oxide concentration in asthma: NIOX MINO, NIOX VERO and NObreath.

Making a case for change In order to justify any investment on new services or equipment, it is important to make a case for change (business case), describe the intended impacts and outcomes of your project, and outline the costs and proj

Health Education England elearning for healthcare, in partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement, Accelerated Access Collaborative, WAHSN, AHSN Network, and the Office for Life Sciences, developed two elearning modules focused on FeNO in Asthma.

NICE guidance is integral to the clinical care that we offer as Health Care Professionals (HCPs).

Quality Improvement (QI) helps us identify what works well and where we can make changes. In primary care, we don't have time or resources to spend on things that don't work, don't serve our patients, and that could be done more efficiently or effectively.

accuRx has created a FeNO template to send to patients prior to their appointment via text message. For information on what's included and how to find the template, have a look at the guidance document below.

Language can play a big barrier in healthcare delivery – for example, by preventing people accessing healthcare in an effectively and timely way, preventing people understand what they need to do to support their own self-management, or by preventing people from understanding their treatment and

These templates are only available to EMIS and TPP users – they are not available to MicroTest and Vision users.

People in places such as Blackpool, Liverpool and Inverclyde are amongst the most likely to be admitted to hospital in an emergency and die from their lung condition in the UK, according to

Image shows a 16 weeks post-conception human fetal lung. The branching airway tree is surrounded by bands of developing smooth muscle (green), which also labels the developing vasculature.

This symposium is aimed at all clinicians involved in the care of respiratory patients in both primary and secondary care.

The AHSN Network supported the spread of FeNO testing across primary care in England from April 2021 to March 2023, led by Wessex AHSN as the lead AHSN. This programme was delivered as part of the NHS England Accelerated Access Collaborative Rapid Uptake Programme.

Imperial College London is launching a qualitative study about screening and early treatment for pulmonary fibrosis. As primary care healthcare professionals, your participation would be highly appreciated.