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Developing a Comprehensive 'Need to Know' Oxygen Leaflet: Enhancing Patient Understanding and Addressing Gaps in Current Literature (ID 579)

Maclaren, J, McCarthy, C, Maguire, M, Killeen, L, Elkin, S.

Imperial College NHS Trust

Funding: None


This project focused on developing a comprehensive 'need to know' oxygen therapy leaflet, addressing critical gaps in information. It arose from issues like the lack of uniformity in patient information, which led to problems such as patients not engaging in future planning conversations during end-stage disease and misunderstanding the conditional nature of oxygen therapy. This absence of initial conversations caused considerable anxiety and conflict between patients and clinicians.
To address these issues, we conducted feedback sessions with clinicians, reviewed existing literature, and identified recurring problems stemming from insufficient information. This informed the creation of the leaflet, which includes:

Role of the Oxygen Service: Detailed descriptions of the HOSAR team's functions and the frequency of contact, clarifying the supportive resources available.
Duration of Therapy: Information on the varying durations of oxygen therapy and the factors influencing these variations, helping patients understand their personalised treatment plans.
Oxygen vs. Breathlessness: Clear explanations distinguishing oxygen therapy and breathlessness, correcting common misconceptions.
Travel information: Practical advice for traveling with oxygen, including preparations and airline regulations.
Financial Support: Guidance on obtaining financial support for increased bills, alleviating financial burdens on patients.
Planning for the Future: Encouragement for proactive planning regarding ongoing care and the patient’s wishes for the future.
Questions for Clinicians: A section allowing patients to reflect on the information and prepare meaningful questions, fostering effective communication between patients and healthcare providers.

After creating the leaflet, we distributed it to oxygen patients and solicited their feedback. Patients found the information beneficial, with comments like, “I wish I had been told this when I first started on oxygen.” Clinicians also reported increased confidence in conducting initial visits, as the leaflet served as an aid-memoire and facilitated structured, productive follow-ups through the 'questions for clinicians' section.
However, one of the lessons learned was that the material did not appear appealing or interesting to patients, resulting in low initial engagement. We will utilise the communications team to enhance its presentation and make it more user-friendly.
Overall, this leaflet has improved patient understanding and management of oxygen therapy and enhanced the quality of interactions between patients and healthcare providers.

Conflicts of interest: None

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