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Evaluation of a psychology mindfulness and compassion focused group programme for patients with a range of respiratory conditions (ID 565)

Ryder M, Graham L, Packer K, El Hakim R

Homerton Healthcare




The prevalence of depression and anxiety is common in people with chronic respiratory conditions and is associated with symptom burden and increased morbidity and mortality, highlighting the need for holistic interventions. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a pilot psychology group on patient outcomes and experience.


A total of 6 patients attended the group programme over several pilots. Content was informed by mindfulness and Compassion Focused Therapy principles and included experiential exercises, psychoeducation, and reflective discussions. A measure of anxiety and depression (HADs) and self compassion (SCS) were collected pre and post the group, as well as qualitative feedback and patient identified goals.


The group members had a range of respiratory conditions including COPD and chronic asthma. The majority of participants were female (5) and ages ranged from 29 to 76 (with 4 over 55). Complete scores available for 4 participants showed a reduction in the HADs and an increase in self compassion scores for 3 of the 4 group members. Qualitative feedback for all participants was unanimously positive, with members reporting they had learnt helpful coping strategies and felt less alone with their condition. Functional outcomes included engaging with community activities such as the gym and social groups.


Despite the small sample size, initial quantitative data indicates positive trends for the group in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, whilst recognising a need for further data. The qualitative feedback highlights good acceptability of the group with a range of respiratory diagnoses. The feedback and the positive functional changes emphasise the value of offering a psychology group intervention in this cohort as part of a holistic treatment offer.

Funding: None

Conflicts of interest: None

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