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Excellence in Asthma for children and young people: a quality improvement project (QIP) in primary care (ID 558)

Cummings L, Hamilton J, Marsh V, Saiyed, S, Tipping L.

Black Country Integrated Care Board


Context: Affecting 1 in 11 children, asthma requires long term medical treatment and support from a range of healthcare professionals, predominantly in primary care. Asthma outcomes for children in the UK are particularly poor with those most disadvantaged experiencing the worst outcomes. The national bundle of care for asthma in children and young people is a current driver for change.

The problem: The Black Country is one of the most deprived areas in the country; 52% fall within the CORE20 population and one third of these are children. With high rates of admission to hospital and urgent care use a local strategy for improvement to implement the national bundle of care is required.

Strategy for change: Excellence in Asthma is a targeted QIP with 3 core elements:

• Early & accurate diagnosis
• Essential care
• Risk reduction

A total of 38 practices were invited to take part in Cohort one, with 20 practices across 30 sites accepting. Practices were identified due to their high asthma related hospital admissions, salbutamol overuse and Core20Plus5 data.

Improvement measures: Practices were asked to submit data and the start and at the end of the QIP to assess their current performance and measure improvements made.

Over the six month programme Practice A saw an increase in the number of children who had received an asthma review, inhaler technique checks and a personalised asthma action plan.

Next steps: Cohort two will commence in June 2024 with fifty-five practices across the Black Country and will follow a more structured approach with a dedicated webinar on each of the core elements. Weekly virtual drop-in sessions will be held to support clinicians with the QIP with any issues or challenges.

National Health Service England (NHSE) 2022 Core20Plus5 for Children and Young People

Abstract poster - Excellence in Asthma for children and young people: a quality improvement project (QIP) in primary care (ID 558)

Funding: This was developed as part of the role of the CYP Asthma Practitioners. Black Country ICB are a pilot site for NHS England CYP Asthma Practitioners

Conflicts of interest: None

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