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Integrated supported weaning off oxygen at home for acute illness. (ID 542)

Caneja C, Newsome S, Grant A, Ryan A, Pena C, Siva R, Raste Y, Jenkins D

Croydon Health Services NHS Trust

Funding: None


There are increasing pieces of evidence of Virtual Wards’(VW) benefits. The NHS defines a VW as a safe, efficient alternative to NHS bedded care.
The Respiratory Team (RT) provides integrated respiratory services at home and in the hospital.
Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic, remote monitoring services used in VW provided a significant understanding to facilitate safe weaning off oxygen in acute illnesses at home under the care of a VW and community-based RT. [1]
There remains to be an increasing burden of hospital resources which continues to be a challenge in providing healthcare services.
To provide a supported weaning off oxygen service for patients with acute illness, within the comfort of their homes.


The RT-VW weaning oxygen pathway was developed by MDT and registered at the Trust committee under Life QI.
Eligible patients were approached and consented. They were discharged home with weaning off, oxygen, and supported remotely by RT-VW. Inclusion criteria include patients aged 18 or over with persistent hypoxemia but medically suitable for home oxygen.
Exclusion Criteria include patients aged below 18 years, Type 2 Respiratory Failure, and failing home oxygen risk assessment.
There were seven patients referred in three months. The clinical indications were two Community-Acquired Pneumonia, two Interstitial Lung Diseases, one Exacerbation of COPD/Lung Cancer, one Infective Exacerbation of Asthma, and one bronchopneumonia.
The combined RT-VW weaning off oxygen service demonstrated a significant reduction in hospital length of in-patient stays with a median of 14 days- 37 days.
There were no reported complaints, or adverse events during this feasibility phase.
This QI suggests that it is feasible and safe to deliver the RT-VW weaning of oxygen at home.
Further studies are needed in larger populations. Evaluate the patient's experience, active faster recovery, and financial implications in healthcare services.

Submitted to British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2024

Conflicts of interest: No conflict of interest

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