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Public Health Impact Assessment of RSVPreF3 OA Adjuvanted Vaccine on Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Selected European Countries (ID 525)

Zarkadoulas E, Kostakis A, Uhl G, Selke B, Dich NV, Garcia A, Vallejo-Aparicio LA, Riaz S, Jakola J, Akratos A, Lucey D, O'Kane J, Berghuis S, Jongeneel G, Gjonnes L, Boge G, Bota P, Mardberg K, Danielsson L, Marijam A



Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections pose a significant health burden among adults aged ≥60 years in Europe. This study aims to assess the potential public health impact of the GSK RSVPreF3 OA adjuvanted vaccine, the first approved preventive intervention for RSV for the older adult aged ≥60 population in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden.

A monthly-cycle static Markov model was developed to assess RSVPreF3 OA adjuvanted vaccine impact on adults aged ≥60 years across selected countries. Comparing no-vaccination to a single RSV vaccine dose over a three-year time-horizon, the model captured lower respiratory tract disease (LRTD) RSV cases, deaths, and healthcare resource utilization. Data inputs were based on systematic literature reviews, supplemented by the best available data when local information was lacking.

Preliminary model outputs estimate that RSV vaccination can prevent 1,360,223 to 1,408,594 LRTD cases, 173,019 to 179,254 hospitalizations and 16,930 to 17,550 deaths. The number of adults needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one LRTD case is between 19 and 25; for hospitalizations, it spans from 164 to 210 and for deaths varies from 1,249 to 2,401.

Results reveal a significant preventive effect of the RSVPreF3 OA adjuvanted vaccination on the health and healthcare utilization of older adults aged ≥60 years, resulting in substantial public health benefits. While data from ongoing studies may enhance precision, extensive sensitivity analysis highlights the importance of averting RSV to preserve health and well-being of the older adult population in Europe.

Abstract poster - Public Health Impact Assessment of RSVPreF3 OA Adjuvanted Vaccine on Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Selected European Countries (ID 525)

Funding: GSK (Study identifiers: VEO-000930 & VEO-000944).

Conflicts of interest: All authors are employed by GSK. EZ, AK, LAV-A, SR, LG and AM hold shares in GSK. The authors declare no other financial and non-financial relationships and activities.

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