Developing a theoretically-informed education programme within the context of a complex implementation strategy in UK primary care: an exemplar from the IMP2ART trial (ID 382)
University of Edinburgh
Introduction: IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self-management as RouTine (IMP2ART) is a programme of work developing and evaluating a strategy for implementing supported asthma self-management in UK primary care. The strategy encompasses patient-facing resources, professional education, and organisational approaches to embed supported self-management. This paper reports the development of a theoretically-informed interprofessional education programme which aims to raise awareness of and enable healthcare professionals to deliver effective supported self-management.
Methods: Aligned with the Medical Research Council (MRC) Complex Intervention Framework, the multidisciplinary team developed educational content in three phases: 1) Developmental phase, identifying educational and behaviour change theory to guide development, in consultation with a professional advisory group 2) Feasibility pilot phase, testing the education using a ‘think-aloud’ method 3) Pre-pilot phase, delivering the education within the IMP2ART strategy.
Results: The developmental phase identified educational and behaviour change theory, and the need to provide two education modules: 1) a team module to raise awareness of supported asthma self-management for the whole team, 2) an individual study module for those who conduct asthma reviews with patients. The feasibility pilot highlighted content and design features in need of refinement, and the pre-pilot identified substantial changes to the delivery strategy for the education modules.
Discussion: A multi-stage development process, aligned with the MRC Framework, contributed to the module design and delivery. Prior explorative work, multi-disciplinary team discussions, and professional advisory group consultation, informed the initial development; and in-practice testing and pre-pilot stages enabled refinement. In our experience, there were important benefits of working together as an educationalist/researcher team. The education programme, a core component of the implementation strategy, is now being tested in the IMP2ART UK-wide cluster randomised controlled trial.
Funding: This abstract presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research under its Programme Grants for Applied Research Programme (Ref: RP-PG-1016-20008) and is carried out with the support of the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research [AUK-AC-2012-01 and AUK-AC-2018-01]. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
Conflicts of interest: None
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