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Graham Ryott

photo of Graham RyottI was diagnosed with Asthma as a child. Numerous triggers were identified ranging from animal fur to foods including fish and some vegetables. Unfortunately, as an attendee at a reasonably strict primary school, where “cleaning your plate” was important at every meal, I was often unwell during the afternoons and frequently sent home…! Initially I was only provided with a reliever inhaler so school attendance levels were low and hospital visits frequent until my parents insisted on expert advice and eventually an effective treatment plan was put in place.

As I matured, I was able to self-manage my illness. I was more able to avoid the triggers that caused an Asthma attack. More recently, I was prescribed Montelukast which has significantly improved my condition and lifestyle.

I became involved in a local Asthma Group when still in my teens primarily to gain knowledge from others on treatments but also if possible to help others with their illnesses. My semi-retirement has given me more time to now help others and I am now an active member of Asthma UK, where I been involved in developing research bids with academia, and supporting local health related Air Quality initiatives. Involvement with the PCRS team is now providing another fascinating avenue to gain and share relevant knowledge particularly around UK respiratory policy.

"It can be a frightening experience for any parent whose child experiences an asthma attack. Through my work with the PCRS, I would like to ensure that any parent is able to access the necessary education and expert guidance to fully support their child."

  • Graham Ryott


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