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Vincent Mak

photo of Vincent MakDr Vincent Mak was a Consultant Physician in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine and Clinical Director for Emergency Services at North West London Hospitals Trust from 1994 to 2013. He was also the Clinical Director of the Outer NWL Integrated Care Program, and Whole Systems Integrated Care. He was a core member of the NHS London Respiratory Team and Clinical Network from 2010-2018. His current role is a Consultant Physician in Respiratory Integrated Care at Imperial College Healthcare Trust.
He was the Clinical Director of the NHS London Respiratory Clinical Network until Oct 2020 and now leads the Accurate Diagnosis workstream. He chairs the NHS LPP Responsible Respiratory Prescribing workstream and clinical lead for the website. He is a member of the PCRS Executive.

  • Vincent Mak


    A Less than 2% of gross annual income
    B Between 2% and 10% of gross annual income
    C Any payment between 10% and 20% of gross annual income

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