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This issue of PCRU introduces our latest pragmatic guide on severe asthma which guides you through this process ensuring the right patients end up in the right place with the right care.

PCRS welcome the verdict of the inquest into the death of 2-year-old Awaab Ishak in Rochdale in 2020.

Virtual consultations, virtual wards and virtual pulmonary rehab have enabled continued safe patient – practitioner interaction during the COVID-19 pandemic and looks set to remain in place due to clear benefits in terms of protecting vulnerable patients from unnecessary infection or travel, keep

Many of us have embraced digital learning over the past two years – attending online conferences, workshops and events. There is no doubt that digital learning is here to stay. But how do we maintain quality, how do we keep people engaged.

Part of our Digital Technology Webinar Series 2022, exploring the ethics and inequalities of digital technology

Part of our Digital Technology Webinar Series 2022, exploring the ethics and inequalities of digital technology

Digital health has come to the fore with the COVID pandemic.  Some apps and digital strategies are welcome and we wish we had adopted them years ago – other initiatives are not so effective and we have concerns about how they will affect the healthcare we provide.  There are many apps,

Technology has enabled practices to gather enormous amounts of data but the data is only valuable when it is used, interpreted and applied to help make things better. However, data, dashboards and numbers can be overwhelming.

Digital technology offers all sorts of exciting opportunities and has the potential to bring about many benefits to healthcare. However, its success relies on patients being able to access technology, feeling comfortable using it, and clinicians also having appropriate access and training.