Editor Dr Iain Small says: “This issue takes a look at the past, the present and the future.
Nearly 9 in 10 (89%) NHS health professionals and commissioners believe that national policymakers need to have a more radical strategy for integrated care, a survey has revealed.
Two senior PCRS members have been appointed to key roles with the National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP) giving them an opportunity to influence improvements in asthma and COPD care.
NICE has published an update to its 2010 guidance on the diagnosis and management of COPD which makes recommendations on the most effective inhaled therapies, oxygen therapies, lung volume reduction procedures, and self-management and exacerbat
A greater focus on improving early and accurate diagnosis of respiratory disease is called for in a National Five Year Plan for Lung Health published today (Dec 5).
If you are interested in and have relevant experience of providing support to stop smoking, this is a great opportunity for personal development and to see the workings of NICE at close quarters.
NHS RightCare have published a Respiratory Delivery Pack to help healthcare professionals to take action to reduce winter pressures this winter to by focusing on respiratory pa
A focus on smoking in the home could provide new routes for smokers to quit and help protect children and non-smokers from exposure to secondhand smoke, says a new report from ASH.
GOLD (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease) has updated its strategy for the diagnosis, management and prevention of COPD. There are two key changes:
This is Lung Cancer Awareness month and the good news is that a recent trial reports that introducing lung screening for people at high risk of lung cancer could reduce deaths from the disease.
Where a patient lives, their age and economic circumstance can affect their chances of developing asthma and the care that they receive, finds a new Asthma UK report.
Thursday 1st November marks the start of Lung Cancer Awareness Month.
The Room 101 session at the PCRS national respiratory conference touched such a raw nerve with delegates when they were asked what their top waste issue was that we have decided to extend our poll to the wider membership.