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Ren Lawlor

photo of Ren LawlorRen Lawlor is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and independent prescriber in South London. She is the clinical educator and academic tutor lead for the South East London Training Hub and a visiting lecturer for various universities including University of Greenwich and De Montfort University. Ren is the vice chair for the PCRS executive committee and is chair of the PCRS education committee and co-clinical lead for PCRA.

  • Ren Lawlor


    A Less than 2% of gross annual income
    B Between 2% and 10% of gross annual income
    C Any payment between 10% and 20% of gross annual income

    All interests declared are for the previous calendar year

    Section 1: Paid Work / Personal Income

    A. Employments (including partnerships)

    I am an employee, paid director and / or partner of an organisation
    Any NHS organisation (including GP practice): Band C

    B. Other paid positions / work

    I do not receive personal income from the pharmaceutical industry or any healthcare related organisation(s) (except any employee salary or partnership interest declared in Section A)