This spring, our Primary Care Respiratory Update comes to you with a new focus on asthma. This edition's contributors bring you pragmatic and succinct information that you can adopt in your practice to support early diagnosis, improved management, reduced reliance on short-acting bronchodilator inhalers and advice on managing patients with severe asthma. You can now browse and download PCRU on the PCRS website.
Join PCRS and become part of the UK's largest network of dedicated respiratory professionals working in primary, community and integrated care settings.
Read on for a selection of our member-exclusive resources, programmes and discounts:
Respiratory Leadership Programme
There is still time to register for our Respiratory Leadership Programme, which features a two-day workshop in June led by expert facilitator Catherine Blackaby alongside additional digital leadership sessions throughout 2023. The programme, sponsored by Chiesi, will focus on the leadership skills required to support change. You will have access to digital resources and further networking opportunities with other leaders. Provided free of charge, exclusively for PCRS members. With other respiratory leadership programmes costing significant sums join us to save on your professional development. Sign up to the programme.
PCRS online learning platform launches
Our online learning platform is now live and available for PCRS members to access via our dashboard. Our first series of modules focus on delivering greener sustainable respiratory care. Each interactive module features videos and multiple-choice questions to guide your learning. PCRS is grateful to Trudell Medical UK Limited for their support of the online learning modules. The sponsor has had no input into the content. Join PCRS to access online learning.
PCRS podcast: How to Undertake a Really Good Asthma Review
Members can tune in to our latest podcast to learn how to undertake an excellent asthma review. This episode features Carol Stonham, PCRS Policy Lead, in conversation with Amanda Roberts, PCRS Patient Reference Group, who shares her positive and negative experiences of reviews as a patient. You can also read Amanda's asthma story in the Spring edition of PCRU. Access all PCRS podcast by joining today.
The PCRS Conference is the place to be
We invite you to join us at the PCRS Respiratory Conference, held from the 21st to the 23rd September in Telford. The conference is your chance to get informed, inspired and energised for the clinical months ahead. The meeting is renowned for its friendly atmosphere - if you are attending for the first time or coming alone - you'll be made to feel at home in our respiratory family. Register now and take advantage of our early bird rates. Members receive a further discount, with rates starting at £165.
Results of lab tests conducted on vapes confiscated from a British school showed shockingly high levels of heavy metals in the vape liquids. Chemicals found in cigarette smoke were also detected. The ASH-Youth survey shows a significant increase in young people using vapes. Ren Lawlor, Chair of the PCRS Education Committee commented; “While vaping is a recommended tool for smoking cessation, children are not generally using them for this reason. Instead, they are being targeted as new consumers.” Read our article.
Government invites views on tackling major conditions in England
The Department for Health and Social Care has launched its call for evidence to inform the Major Conditions Strategy, covering six major condition groups, including chronic respiratory diseases. PCRS will be responding to the call. We encourage you to share your experience and what you would like to see change by completing the online form by 27th June at midnight. The Taskforce for Lung Health has requested that respiratory HCPs share their responses with them so they can ensure they amplify any key themes.
NICE environmental sustainability report
As part of the NICE Listens programme, the National Institute for Care Excellence (NICE) has been exploring public opinion on how NICE should account for environmental sustainability in its decision-making and guidance. The research findings are now available in this report. The report findings give insight into attitudes to environmental sustainability. PCRS has a range of resources to support you to deliver greener healthcare - head to our website to access podcasts, guides and our Greener Respiratory Pathway.
New plans to help cut hospital waiting times
Patients will be able to choose where they receive their NHS care under new plans to help cut waiting lists. A letter issued by the NHS to local areas will require patients to be offered choice when clinically appropriate. After speaking with their GP, patients will be able to view information for up to five healthcare providers - filtered by distance, waiting times and quality of care. They will then be able to make a choice about where they go for treatment. Read full announcement.
Events and awareness days
The Future of Severe Asthma Care National Workshop for Respiratory Leaders
Oxford Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) is hosting a national workshop on 4th July focusing on driving improvements in uncontrolled and severe asthma pathways. This is an opportunity to hear from respiratory experts across England on how uncontrolled and severe asthma care can be designed and delivered in your area. The event will share learning and outputs of the two-year national Asthma Biologics programme. Register now.
World Environment Day - 5th June
This year's World Environment Day 2023 is a reminder that people’s actions on plastic pollution matter. You can view the WHO practical guide for solutions to limit waste and transition to a circular economy. PCRS champions greener practice in primary and community care and we have produced a range of resources to support you in delivering kinder, greener healthcare. Browse relevant webinars, podcasts and our greener respiratory care pathway.
Stay up to date on the latest in respiratory care. Sign up to PCRS newsletters and get regular news straight to your inbox.
We’re grateful to our corporate supporters for their financial support which supports the core activities of the Charity and allows PCRS to make its services either freely available or at greatly reduced rates to its members. See PCRS statement on pharmaceutical funding.
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